Webcom SDK

Webcom is the Orange Backend-as-a-Service / Serverless solution. It provides integrated functions for:

  • database,
  • message exchange (publish / subscribe),
  • notification on mobile devices,
  • authentication federation,
  • data exposure and access control.

This platform drastically reduces time and cost to implement and deploy mobile and web applications in production.

More information on https://datasync.orange.com.

Webcom documentation

Webcom SDKs news on Plazza

Samples for Web Applications


Quick start

1. Create your own developer account on the Webcom developer console

2. Create a Webcom application on the Webcom developer console

3. Add the Webcom javascript library to your project

3.a Web applications directly

<script type='text/javascript' src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/webcom@2.15.11/webcom.js'></script>

3.b Web applications with npm

First install the Webcom package

npm install webcom@2.15.11

And then reference the installed javascript library in your web application:

  • either with a script tag
<script type='text/javascript' src='<YOUR_LIBRARY_PATH>/webcom.js'></script>
  • or with a javascript import directive
import 'webcom/webcom.js';

3.c Node.js applications

First install the Webcom package

npm install webcom@2.15.11

And then load the javascript library in your Node.js application

const Webcom = require('webcom');

4. Use Webcom in your code

4.a Create a reference to your Webcom application

const myRef = new Webcom('<your-app>');

4.b Listen to data within your data tree

myRef.on('value', function(snapShot) {
    // this callback is called each time the data in your app is updated
    console.info("data in my app is now:", snapShot.val());

You can also listen to a sub-path of your data tree

myRef.child("subPath").on("value", function(snapShot) {
    // this callback is called each time the data is updated under the "subPath" path
    console.info("data in subPath is now:", snapShot.val());

4.c Write data into your data tree

myRef.set({foo: 'bar'});

You can also write anywhere in your data tree


The whole data tree of your application is now

  "foo": "bar",
  "subPath": {
    "subSubPath": 42

5. Run your application

If you run a Node.js application behind a company proxy, you just have to setup usual environment variables HTTPS_PROXY and HTTP_PROXY (or their lowercase counterparts):

export HTTPS_PROXY="my-proxy.my-company.com:8080"